The Common Good Balance, or Common Good Matrix, is an instrument that helps projects and organisations to identify and show their contribution to society. The matrix reports and evaluates the impact of the project on people, environment and society. It shows the results in a clear, transparent and comparable way.

The Common Good Matrix is developed within the Economy for the Common Good movement. The movement proposes a systemic transformation of our economic model – in a participative and democratic way.
This new economic model is based on values such as human dignity, collaboration, ecological sustainability, social justice, solidarity and participation. An economic model that aspires the wellbeing for all humans and not only for a happy few in a way that regenerates and takes care of our planet for the next generations to come.

In an Economy for the Common Good:

  • growth is no longer necessary and organizations are liberated from “eating or being eaten” but aims for an optimal size
  • cooperation is rewarded
  • meaningful jobs are created
  • money is only a means and not an end in itself
  • an economic model based on values
  • an economy that does not start from scarcity, but strives to create abundance for everyone


ECG is a movement kept alive by 1000 of volunteers, active in local chapters around the world, who try to make this world a better place. The ideas of the ECG are work in progress. There are a lot of proposals for a new economic model, to be discussed and decided in a democratic process in our communities.

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